Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Next Step

Making up ur mind is like 57 times more harder than doing the stuff ur going to do when u makeup ur mind.
Do u know the feeling when everyday u r bombarded with two thousand five hundred and sixty three missiles?
Makes me sick tot he core.
Who cares I feel sick enough that I don't feel sick anymore.
Is that fucking possible?
Like I said, WHO CARES!xD

Coming back again after a seriously long break, is really good.
I made friends, people like me.
It is like a whole new me. Not like the douche douche guy before.
Haha, I suddenly feel like dancing which of course i won't.

Just a few things im worrying and I just wanna shout it out.
And god i need plenty of luck.
A bucket or a truck full of it...might just be enough.

Well, overall my timetable is pretty sweet. 2 hours of lunch time, it is like a gift from GOD~xD
My classmates vary with each classes but well I like to kid around during class so no biggy.
Oh n I finally agree that my current hair is way better than the old wavy hair.
Damn I looked so haggard...something like that.

The best part is I can go to my friend's house, cook n eat while watching tv on a sofa.
Best part is if I do the dishes, I can eat for FREE!!!xD
Oh n I have I told anyone I actually love doing the dishes.
A friend of mine who was also doing the dishes actually washed the plates so 'clean' there is still oil on it.
I the hardworking one (AHAHA) rewashed everything.
Life is good^^

However the time to panic is upon me too, so can't enjoy too much.
Just hope everyhting turned out fine, cause this time I actually tried to do something.
I actually tried to put some of my tiny bit of my heart and soul into it.
So if it doesnt works, lets just wish the end of the world is the end of this year.

All the best to all humans who r struggling and may the force be with u, at all times, even when in the toilet.
Cause that is when u need it, trust me~xD