To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to this party at all. My friend, Joel, who is in the student council said that preparation was horrible and I believed too for the budget was like so damn low. You can know I wasn't gonna party much that night if you saw what I wore - a blue button shirt, a short, flip-flops and a sleeveless jacket, which was totally no the type of shirt you wear to a party. LOL.
It was a non alcohol party.(serious). However, me n my friends did have some...coke mixed with vodka from Ukraine...before the party. Oh and I found out that the best ratio to mix vodka and coke is 1:4. LOL. We weren't drunk or high at all to be honest. We were just all calm and chilling. Everything went out of control when we went to the party.
The DJ was AWESOME! It was like he knows what songs to make you high and going. We were jumping, shouting, dancing, showing off our dance moves. We went crazy from start to end. Thank god we had the stupid band booked by the crazy teacher in charge and changed it into a DJ, for no DJ = no party =no fun. We were crazy even when all we were drinking was some orange juice and coke, which of course cannot make you drunk.
I have only one thing to say about the party. We were the center, the core, the life source of the party. Wherever we go people just crowded around us. We were like a magnet for party peepers and just had the party going. Those who were just chilling at the tables, we went and pull them in. Those who were going to stop partying and was bored, we went and dance with them till their party spirits came back. Howe, Derrick, Khai, Hup Eu, Jed, Joel, guys were awesome and I know you guys had an awesome time too. The perfect party gang. The BEST.
There was also a funny thing. When I partied till I was out of gas and was at the brink of fainting. I went to chill and catch my breath at the table. And a teacher, Mr Tatar was like:" Juinn, do you seriously think that this is a party?" LOL...sir, times are different. This is how a party rocks not with an old-man band playing the oldies and people waltzing around.That is just so like a ball, which is not A PARTY~xD
The party was a total success and ended perfectly with everyone satisfied. We also went back too. Exhausted and tired we started chilling and PS3-ing. That ended when Vlad brought more booze with his another friend. There was a lot actually, but nobody drank much LOL. I was like mixing different kinds together and drinking them and man after awhile, it hit me hard. I was blacked out. I can hear and see but couldn't think straight. I was literally carried out to get some fresh air and then carried in onto the couch. On the way back I even hit Catorina in the face, which of course I apologized and bought chocolates for her which then she forgave me. Then I was carried upstairs to Hup Eu's room and thrown onto the bed. Laura took care of me the whole night. I was so drunk I didn't even know I fell on the floor, damn. Hup Eu then had to sleep in Khai's room who went to sleep with Kiki(his girlfriend, cute couple i must say~xD). Howe had to call my host parents saying that I'm staying over and everything. Joel and the others had to clean up the mess. And well, everybody was just helping me out and I really want to thank them. God you guys r just perfect, the best, the unforgettable, the friends I will never ever wanna forget. Thanks guys. You make my current life perfect and I am grateful for that.
Standing by me when help is needed - friends. So that was how everything ended. LOL. Crazy right. I also promise never to get so drunk ever. Cross my heart. Dudes and ladies, Merry Christmas.
Juinn, hangover, grateful, hoping, praying and loving life.
Over and out. =D
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
It has been too long...apart for too too long...
Eight weeks, fifty six days...
now that sure is a long long time.
A lot had happened in the past few weeks, a lot of enjoyment, fun, exams, homework, more fun, and ended with a cold and a cough. LOL.
This semester has been worth-living.
Other than the academic pressure, I actually enjoyed myself.
It all started with the PS3...and it still is
but that is what bonded us, the laughter, the friendly insults, the imitations.
Now that is a start of a new friendship.
I got to say I'm lucky, international friendships aren't easy to find.
Well first I better introduce my new Portuguese name...Humbearto...pronounced as weird.
Given by another Portuguese friend Catarina..also called Crazy Queen Kameela.
People from Portugal are just...funny...nice...kind and seriously, CRAZY!xD
Other than friends, relationships with the teachers are good as well.
Mrs Johnstone(awesome Chemistry teacher from Romania) actually said she looks forward to all our classes because we are just too nice to teach. Honestly we too looked forward to her classes.
Dr Fitzsimons who wrote my reference and also one of my favorite Biology teacher also recommended me to take part in the Biology Olympiad. Looking forward to it^^
Oh I also just did my Physics Olympiad and it was...HORRIBLE!!!!
Same goes to my Maths Challenge. I'm seriously beat up by them but I had fun with them too. Challenging.
New motto of my is: Never try never know, once you tried you'll forever know.
Waiting for replies has been killing me. I am devastated but all I can do is not think about it by busying myself.
I really can't wait for Christmas partay~xD
Hope it will be fun as the summer ball^^
Missing home, and a few more weeks more.
Time flies and by then I will be flying home.
To all, live life be happy and cheers~^^
now that sure is a long long time.
A lot had happened in the past few weeks, a lot of enjoyment, fun, exams, homework, more fun, and ended with a cold and a cough. LOL.
This semester has been worth-living.
Other than the academic pressure, I actually enjoyed myself.
It all started with the PS3...and it still is
but that is what bonded us, the laughter, the friendly insults, the imitations.
Now that is a start of a new friendship.
I got to say I'm lucky, international friendships aren't easy to find.
Well first I better introduce my new Portuguese name...Humbearto...pronounced as weird.
Given by another Portuguese friend Catarina..also called Crazy Queen Kameela.
People from Portugal are just...funny...nice...kind and seriously, CRAZY!xD
Other than friends, relationships with the teachers are good as well.
Mrs Johnstone(awesome Chemistry teacher from Romania) actually said she looks forward to all our classes because we are just too nice to teach. Honestly we too looked forward to her classes.
Dr Fitzsimons who wrote my reference and also one of my favorite Biology teacher also recommended me to take part in the Biology Olympiad. Looking forward to it^^
Oh I also just did my Physics Olympiad and it was...HORRIBLE!!!!
Same goes to my Maths Challenge. I'm seriously beat up by them but I had fun with them too. Challenging.
New motto of my is: Never try never know, once you tried you'll forever know.
Waiting for replies has been killing me. I am devastated but all I can do is not think about it by busying myself.
I really can't wait for Christmas partay~xD
Hope it will be fun as the summer ball^^
Missing home, and a few more weeks more.
Time flies and by then I will be flying home.
To all, live life be happy and cheers~^^
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
The Next Step
Making up ur mind is like 57 times more harder than doing the stuff ur going to do when u makeup ur mind.
Do u know the feeling when everyday u r bombarded with two thousand five hundred and sixty three missiles?
Makes me sick tot he core.
Who cares I feel sick enough that I don't feel sick anymore.
Is that fucking possible?
Like I said, WHO CARES!xD
Coming back again after a seriously long break, is really good.
I made friends, people like me.
It is like a whole new me. Not like the douche douche guy before.
Haha, I suddenly feel like dancing which of course i won't.
Just a few things im worrying and I just wanna shout it out.
And god i need plenty of luck.
A bucket or a truck full of it...might just be enough.
Well, overall my timetable is pretty sweet. 2 hours of lunch time, it is like a gift from GOD~xD
My classmates vary with each classes but well I like to kid around during class so no biggy.
Oh n I finally agree that my current hair is way better than the old wavy hair.
Damn I looked so haggard...something like that.
The best part is I can go to my friend's house, cook n eat while watching tv on a sofa.
Best part is if I do the dishes, I can eat for FREE!!!xD
Oh n I have I told anyone I actually love doing the dishes.
A friend of mine who was also doing the dishes actually washed the plates so 'clean' there is still oil on it.
I the hardworking one (AHAHA) rewashed everything.
Life is good^^
However the time to panic is upon me too, so can't enjoy too much.
Just hope everyhting turned out fine, cause this time I actually tried to do something.
I actually tried to put some of my tiny bit of my heart and soul into it.
So if it doesnt works, lets just wish the end of the world is the end of this year.
All the best to all humans who r struggling and may the force be with u, at all times, even when in the toilet.
Cause that is when u need it, trust me~xD
Do u know the feeling when everyday u r bombarded with two thousand five hundred and sixty three missiles?
Makes me sick tot he core.
Who cares I feel sick enough that I don't feel sick anymore.
Is that fucking possible?
Like I said, WHO CARES!xD
Coming back again after a seriously long break, is really good.
I made friends, people like me.
It is like a whole new me. Not like the douche douche guy before.
Haha, I suddenly feel like dancing which of course i won't.
Just a few things im worrying and I just wanna shout it out.
And god i need plenty of luck.
A bucket or a truck full of it...might just be enough.
Well, overall my timetable is pretty sweet. 2 hours of lunch time, it is like a gift from GOD~xD
My classmates vary with each classes but well I like to kid around during class so no biggy.
Oh n I finally agree that my current hair is way better than the old wavy hair.
Damn I looked so haggard...something like that.
The best part is I can go to my friend's house, cook n eat while watching tv on a sofa.
Best part is if I do the dishes, I can eat for FREE!!!xD
Oh n I have I told anyone I actually love doing the dishes.
A friend of mine who was also doing the dishes actually washed the plates so 'clean' there is still oil on it.
I the hardworking one (AHAHA) rewashed everything.
Life is good^^
However the time to panic is upon me too, so can't enjoy too much.
Just hope everyhting turned out fine, cause this time I actually tried to do something.
I actually tried to put some of my tiny bit of my heart and soul into it.
So if it doesnt works, lets just wish the end of the world is the end of this year.
All the best to all humans who r struggling and may the force be with u, at all times, even when in the toilet.
Cause that is when u need it, trust me~xD
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wake-up Call
To be truthful, I'm seriously hot in the head right now.
Finally I had the initiative to do something important, and did I receive any compliment?!
When I got my results, the world just when oopsie dasie and I was seriously in a greyish mood.
And just when I needed some time alone, bla bla bla u guys just really know how to spoil my mood, or to be more precise make the mood from bad to worse, and for that I thank you.
You just know me well, like BULLSHIT!
After a while to think and a short vacation which I had enjoyed and currently suffering from, I got back the motivation and determination to fight again!
I decided to take my chances.
Who cares if I didn't do better than the others, I tried my best.
To be more precise I tried my luck.
That wasn't really my best, which I totally regretted.
Everybody meets a barrier every once in a while.
Mine came now.
Some people thinks of giving up.
Some determined people thinks of breaking a hole in the wall and go through.
However some people like me, goes for a more logical way, use a ladder which means taking a risk.
I might end up like humpty dumpty, fall off and breaks, never to return.
I'm willing to take that chance.
Call me stubborn for not listening or self-esteemed for being so stuck up.
My mind is made up and I am walking it all the way through.
Like I like to say: "KICK ASS TIME!!"
I have never tried my best in anything before.
Never, cause trying is limitless and there is no best in trying.
So I'm making a promise, to take everything I have to the limit and the limitless.
Even if I spit blood and die in the process.
People made it through, why can't I?
I'm not special but I'm normal enough to be normal.
I might lose a chance an opportunity.
But I'm not crying over it.
I'm going to seek for a new chance and opportunity.
Laugh at my failure but don't look down at me.
Today I make a pact with myself.
Tomorrow I make a promise to myself.
I'm not going to be the lowest in the food chain.
Neither am I going to be the highest in the food chain.
I just want to proof that I am qualified enough to be in the food chain.
Life goes on~~~~
All the best~~~~
Finally I had the initiative to do something important, and did I receive any compliment?!
When I got my results, the world just when oopsie dasie and I was seriously in a greyish mood.
And just when I needed some time alone, bla bla bla u guys just really know how to spoil my mood, or to be more precise make the mood from bad to worse, and for that I thank you.
You just know me well, like BULLSHIT!
After a while to think and a short vacation which I had enjoyed and currently suffering from, I got back the motivation and determination to fight again!
I decided to take my chances.
Who cares if I didn't do better than the others, I tried my best.
To be more precise I tried my luck.
That wasn't really my best, which I totally regretted.
Everybody meets a barrier every once in a while.
Mine came now.
Some people thinks of giving up.
Some determined people thinks of breaking a hole in the wall and go through.
However some people like me, goes for a more logical way, use a ladder which means taking a risk.
I might end up like humpty dumpty, fall off and breaks, never to return.
I'm willing to take that chance.
Call me stubborn for not listening or self-esteemed for being so stuck up.
My mind is made up and I am walking it all the way through.
Like I like to say: "KICK ASS TIME!!"
I have never tried my best in anything before.
Never, cause trying is limitless and there is no best in trying.
So I'm making a promise, to take everything I have to the limit and the limitless.
Even if I spit blood and die in the process.
People made it through, why can't I?
I'm not special but I'm normal enough to be normal.
I might lose a chance an opportunity.
But I'm not crying over it.
I'm going to seek for a new chance and opportunity.
Laugh at my failure but don't look down at me.
Today I make a pact with myself.
Tomorrow I make a promise to myself.
I'm not going to be the lowest in the food chain.
Neither am I going to be the highest in the food chain.
I just want to proof that I am qualified enough to be in the food chain.
Life goes on~~~~
All the best~~~~
Friday, August 10, 2012
9th August...A BAD day...
"Bad Day"
Where is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
(Oh.. Holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
P.S: to be precise, my mum had an accident, my bro lost my dog, i chased the dog, i feel so lost, feeling awesome n 10th August I start with a happy mood...xD
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Bragging of My Perseverance
That title is just so wrong, but still I really want to start by bragging:
3 damn whole days without facebook.
Actually by deactivating my account made me realize that I stil exist.
Not that I don't think I exist, just that I needed a proof or something.
So to help stop my addiction to fb, I just make myself damn busy.
Books that aren't that bad, but seriously I'm having problems reading Chinese characters fast.
Watching TV series aren't bad too. "Awkward" is really a very nice show, talking bout a teenagers life. Reminding me that somethings are important and that somethings kills, literally.
The Olympics were quite exciting too, but watching with my family isn't really a very...good idea.
Playing basketball is sweet. Even when I have to play it by myself, sweating just makes me refresh. I feel different in a good way.
And of course working on my Personal Statement. 1,500 words isn't really enough so going to work harder. OOOSH!!!!
I have been thinking a lot.
And I mean A LOT.
but still I can't make out a conclusion of what I have been thinking.
Everything just seems so messy.
First I was thinking of A then suddenly B pops out.
Getting worse when C and D jumps in and cracks the party.
Do u know how that feels cause I'm suffering.
That's why I needed a time out from everything I knew.
Not escaping, just a temporary escape from reality.
Can things really workout the way we want them to?
Sometimes yeah, but sometimes not really right?
Maybe that's why I'm panicking. I'm afraid.
Well today is the day facebook reopens in my life and the day I reopen my eyes to the world again.
No more running or looking back.
11 days
The time left till I get my results.
After waiting for so long I'm so so panic.
What if I...
Wait, no whats if this time.
So I'm waiting.
P.S: The rain this morning was kind of nice. Missed it.
so to those who needs to STUDY, STUDY!
so to those waiting for their results, GOOD LUCK!^^
Here is a thing to think of:
Will the world end this year 2012? If it does what will you do?
If not how will your life continue? As usual? Or a change is needed?
BOOYEAH to all humans~~xD
Lim Hse Juinn.=)
3 damn whole days without facebook.
Actually by deactivating my account made me realize that I stil exist.
Not that I don't think I exist, just that I needed a proof or something.
So to help stop my addiction to fb, I just make myself damn busy.
Books that aren't that bad, but seriously I'm having problems reading Chinese characters fast.
Watching TV series aren't bad too. "Awkward" is really a very nice show, talking bout a teenagers life. Reminding me that somethings are important and that somethings kills, literally.
The Olympics were quite exciting too, but watching with my family isn't really a very...good idea.
Playing basketball is sweet. Even when I have to play it by myself, sweating just makes me refresh. I feel different in a good way.
And of course working on my Personal Statement. 1,500 words isn't really enough so going to work harder. OOOSH!!!!
I have been thinking a lot.
And I mean A LOT.
but still I can't make out a conclusion of what I have been thinking.
Everything just seems so messy.
First I was thinking of A then suddenly B pops out.
Getting worse when C and D jumps in and cracks the party.
Do u know how that feels cause I'm suffering.
That's why I needed a time out from everything I knew.
Not escaping, just a temporary escape from reality.
Can things really workout the way we want them to?
Sometimes yeah, but sometimes not really right?
Maybe that's why I'm panicking. I'm afraid.
Well today is the day facebook reopens in my life and the day I reopen my eyes to the world again.
No more running or looking back.
11 days
The time left till I get my results.
After waiting for so long I'm so so panic.
Wait, no whats if this time.
So I'm waiting.
P.S: The rain this morning was kind of nice. Missed it.
so to those who needs to STUDY, STUDY!
so to those waiting for their results, GOOD LUCK!^^
Here is a thing to think of:
Will the world end this year 2012? If it does what will you do?
If not how will your life continue? As usual? Or a change is needed?
BOOYEAH to all humans~~xD
Lim Hse Juinn.=)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Nothing is better than home...
Two months++ back home is seriously like a gift from the gods...
Miss my parents bros...haha...weirdo me...>v<
Lets just say the first month back home wasn't a total waste
and im kinda relief cause i actually thought it would.xD
Well first things first, (you can say im weird but) i actually enjoy being in a hospital.
Not that I love seeing people suffering, no i DON'T.
Just that I feel like I can actually help people in pain when I'm in there.
I feel like an angel, NOT that I am. I am a perfectly normal person with no wings~^^
Oh and I found out crying babies scares me, not the phobia kind but the oh-god-what-should-I-do kind of scary. ISH!!!
Dislocated bone.(ouchy)
Respiratory difficulty.(hope that old lady is fine, she got transferred)
Fourth fingertip cut off.(she seriously was in pain)
Constipation for a week.(god his stomach looked awful and hope he survived the pump, heard it will be painful)
Cough and cold.(I was told I could even help prescribe medicine for them since it was so common)
Kidney leakage.(It was awful for the previous hospital to leave him like that, curse them for not being responsible)
Inserting CBD tube into patients penis was a very useful experience too, since the doctor said I will be doing a lot of it in the third year of medical school.
Oh ya and Doctor Gan is a great guy. Free milo and bunch of information.
Dr. Elanor is good too. She loves explaining symptoms of patients to me.^^
She even lend me the computer to use in the other room.xD
Tomorrow I finally start day shift and god hope I can be more serious with these stuff.
I actually have this crazy idea.
After finishing 3 years of medical school, I would really like to go work in the army.
As a medical officer. I heard it will be a whole new experience.
Then I would go do my specialists in America.
Just an idea. A somehow crazy one.xD
Oh n I would really like to say, basketball is seriously a nice game.
I have been playing it every evening and I am really starting to enjoy a lot.
Well not the ones I lost but winning it makes me feel good.
And the after shock is the best.
Sweating rocks.
Oh n The Olympics Games.
I am starting to get addicted to archery.
Man I feel like trying it one day. Hope I can.xD
China is seriously rocking~~xD
Well my big bro is going KL to do an internship for a month n...
dont wanna be geli but gonna miss him i guess.
and second bro coming back too...booyeah~~xD
Ielts exams on the 4th and 7th. Really hope I can do well. My life depends on it.
My grades for AS is coming out on the 16th and I hope that day will be a lucky one.
Can't afford to lose when I have already been this far.
Oh n might go Makhota Hopsital to workshadow too. Not sure so not bragging.
My personal life is in a calm peaceful state(I think so).
And hope no one got hurt for my stupidity.
Just that life goes on.
So move on and live a fruitful one.
God bless all souls in the world.
Lim Hse Juinn
(thinking of getting a christian name)
over n out
loving this world
loving his life
Two months++ back home is seriously like a gift from the gods...
Miss my parents bros...haha...weirdo me...>v<
Lets just say the first month back home wasn't a total waste
and im kinda relief cause i actually thought it would.xD
Well first things first, (you can say im weird but) i actually enjoy being in a hospital.
Not that I love seeing people suffering, no i DON'T.
Just that I feel like I can actually help people in pain when I'm in there.
I feel like an angel, NOT that I am. I am a perfectly normal person with no wings~^^
Oh and I found out crying babies scares me, not the phobia kind but the oh-god-what-should-I-do kind of scary. ISH!!!
Dislocated bone.(ouchy)
Respiratory difficulty.(hope that old lady is fine, she got transferred)
Fourth fingertip cut off.(she seriously was in pain)
Constipation for a week.(god his stomach looked awful and hope he survived the pump, heard it will be painful)
Cough and cold.(I was told I could even help prescribe medicine for them since it was so common)
Kidney leakage.(It was awful for the previous hospital to leave him like that, curse them for not being responsible)
Inserting CBD tube into patients penis was a very useful experience too, since the doctor said I will be doing a lot of it in the third year of medical school.
Oh ya and Doctor Gan is a great guy. Free milo and bunch of information.
Dr. Elanor is good too. She loves explaining symptoms of patients to me.^^
She even lend me the computer to use in the other room.xD
Tomorrow I finally start day shift and god hope I can be more serious with these stuff.
I actually have this crazy idea.
After finishing 3 years of medical school, I would really like to go work in the army.
As a medical officer. I heard it will be a whole new experience.
Then I would go do my specialists in America.
Just an idea. A somehow crazy one.xD
Oh n I would really like to say, basketball is seriously a nice game.
I have been playing it every evening and I am really starting to enjoy a lot.
Well not the ones I lost but winning it makes me feel good.
And the after shock is the best.
Sweating rocks.
Oh n The Olympics Games.
I am starting to get addicted to archery.
Man I feel like trying it one day. Hope I can.xD
China is seriously rocking~~xD
Well my big bro is going KL to do an internship for a month n...
dont wanna be geli but gonna miss him i guess.
and second bro coming back too...booyeah~~xD
Ielts exams on the 4th and 7th. Really hope I can do well. My life depends on it.
My grades for AS is coming out on the 16th and I hope that day will be a lucky one.
Can't afford to lose when I have already been this far.
Oh n might go Makhota Hopsital to workshadow too. Not sure so not bragging.
My personal life is in a calm peaceful state(I think so).
And hope no one got hurt for my stupidity.
Just that life goes on.
So move on and live a fruitful one.
God bless all souls in the world.
Lim Hse Juinn
(thinking of getting a christian name)
over n out
loving this world
loving his life
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Titleless post^^
I actually wanted to blog bout this awesome week.
A week without worries but fun fun n madness.
To remind myself in the future I actually had a wonderful time.
Suddenly not really in the mood, so just gonna say:
Future Juinn, you had the freakish time of ur life, met new friends had fun and found out ur love for Porto. Never ever forget it.
Love, Past Juinn

P.S: you actually made tis.^^
Now for the emo part.
Sick of it.
Unbearable pain.
Come on buddy.
Life isn't full of joy.
Sad is part of it, and ur now going through it.
You'll get over it, n i'll always be by ur side.
No matter what ppl say: you will always be my number one priority.
My shoulder is for u to cry.
My words is to comfort ur hurt soul.
My ear is to hear what sad words u have to share.
My eyes is to see how u grow up.
That is wat I as a best friend will do.
All the best n may the god bless u.
To someone.
Well u make me confused too.
Hope we get through this confused phase as soon as possible.
Miss u like hell.
Awesome Fatty Juinn^^
To u guys.
you guys made me happy.
Lets hope I can continue being happy with u guys.
Don't deny me, don't ignore me.
To be truthful, I need u guys^^
To our friendship! Cheers!
To summer.
Time to pump up n kick ass.
Volunteering work.
Driving license.
Time to grow up(u know wat i mean)^^
Feels like i grew up after tis week, by a lot.
But after going to Manchester n seeing a hurt friend, I feel like I grew too old.
Overboard n so time to cheer up, wash away the wrinkles n fly like superman.
My Life My Way.
Juinn, unbeatable, awesome, n forever a fatty^^
A week without worries but fun fun n madness.
To remind myself in the future I actually had a wonderful time.
Suddenly not really in the mood, so just gonna say:
Future Juinn, you had the freakish time of ur life, met new friends had fun and found out ur love for Porto. Never ever forget it.
Love, Past Juinn

P.S: you actually made tis.^^
Now for the emo part.
Sick of it.
Unbearable pain.
Come on buddy.
Life isn't full of joy.
Sad is part of it, and ur now going through it.
You'll get over it, n i'll always be by ur side.
No matter what ppl say: you will always be my number one priority.
My shoulder is for u to cry.
My words is to comfort ur hurt soul.
My ear is to hear what sad words u have to share.
My eyes is to see how u grow up.
That is wat I as a best friend will do.
All the best n may the god bless u.
To someone.
Well u make me confused too.
Hope we get through this confused phase as soon as possible.
Miss u like hell.
Awesome Fatty Juinn^^
To u guys.
you guys made me happy.
Lets hope I can continue being happy with u guys.
Don't deny me, don't ignore me.
To be truthful, I need u guys^^
To our friendship! Cheers!
To summer.
Time to pump up n kick ass.
Volunteering work.
Driving license.
Time to grow up(u know wat i mean)^^
Feels like i grew up after tis week, by a lot.
But after going to Manchester n seeing a hurt friend, I feel like I grew too old.
Overboard n so time to cheer up, wash away the wrinkles n fly like superman.
My Life My Way.
Juinn, unbeatable, awesome, n forever a fatty^^
Thursday, June 7, 2012
~~Trip to the one and only Edinburgh n the Highlands of Scotland~~
My life since the exams have been as bored as u can imagine(seriously, its like sleeping eating pooling for the whole day)=___=
So comes THE go for trips~~~~~~xD
Trip 1----->EDINBURGH(for those who doesnt know it is located in Scotland, United Kingdom)xD
For the whole trip, let's just say I enjoyed tons thanks to my friends.Love ya guys.xD
Day ONE:
To save cost, we bought late night flights so when we arrive at the town centre of Edinburgh city it was already 11:30PM.
We went to the hostel, Brodies Hotels, n we found out why it cost only 9 pounds per night.haha
well the beds were okay, double deckers. The toilet was probably the problem---->smells horrible.
The showers were okay, my friends were kinda excited for the showers r for both male n female. haha, they were hoping to "meet" girls in there, fortunately they didn't.xD
Before that we needed shower and toothpaste as we can't bring any on the plane so we walked all over town n finally found a shop, thank god!xD
when we finished preparing to sleep, it was damn late so we slept like pigs tat night.xDDD
A goodnight sleep as a gud ending for the first day~~>v<
(= ~~picture of the day, beautiful view from the plane~~ =)
Day TWO:
I woke up at SIX in the morning, so early i was day dreaming for almost a whole two hours, LOL.
So the first stop was--->Holyrood Park.
They said it is a park but seriously it's like a mountain. We climbed for a whole morning and was totally exhausted but when we saw the view from above, we forgot everything about our aching legs as it was magnificent.
Arthur's Seat which was said to be a place King Arthur used to go was actually just a pillar but still it was worth it^^
The best part was going down, we actually slide down the steep slope n it was kinda fun, hehe.xD
When we were going back to have lunch we bought Kilts, booyah~xD for a cheap price thanks to my bargaining skills.xDD
After lunch we went for a tour in the University of Edinburgh.
To be truthful I was quite disappointed, as I thought the Uni would be much better, but still it has quite a good medical course so my choice still hasn't change^^
then we had dinner n because we were damn tired we went to sleep damn early.
It was a fruitful day^^

told ya the view was awesome n breath taking.^v^
A...wasted day?
haha, the tour was boring but at least we can say we saw the beautiful scenery and Loch Ness^^
it is a pity we couldn't see Nessy...haiz haiz...-__________-
but still, it was beautiful.
wat pissed me off was actually the tour guide, he actually threw my french fries away because I can't bring it on the bus. We haven't even left our departure time.
When we came back to Edinburgh we saw this road performance it was okay okay n kinda freakish, n it felt good when I gave the man a pound. He was like hugging me when I saw his eyes. Good luck to whoever you are.v^.^v

A rainy start for the day, so we went to somewhere with shade---->The National Museum of Scotland.
It is HUGE. The size is like way bigger than London's. We didn't even finished the whole museum n it was FREEEEEEEE~~~~(damn I love that word.xD)
Later we went to Calton Hill to see some monument, nothing special.
After taking some pictures and group photos, it is souvenir shopping time.xD
Man the royal mile sure have some nice place to shop.^^
Shirts for my family, pendants for friends. Even a fridge magnet for my house parents^^
I really hope they love it.>v<
And then we went home.
The funniest thing is, I kinda missed Northampton when I was in Edinburgh.
This place is starting to grow in me.(^v^)
That is the end for my trip to Edinburgh.
I'm glad I went for I seriously enjoyed, even when is boring, we had fun.
Thanks to all of u, it wouldn't succeed without u all.
Now, it is time to rejuvenate.
gotta go, all the best and may god be with ya.
Juinn over n out.
So comes THE go for trips~~~~~~xD
Trip 1----->EDINBURGH(for those who doesnt know it is located in Scotland, United Kingdom)xD
For the whole trip, let's just say I enjoyed tons thanks to my friends.Love ya guys.xD
Day ONE:
To save cost, we bought late night flights so when we arrive at the town centre of Edinburgh city it was already 11:30PM.
We went to the hostel, Brodies Hotels, n we found out why it cost only 9 pounds per night.haha
well the beds were okay, double deckers. The toilet was probably the problem---->smells horrible.
The showers were okay, my friends were kinda excited for the showers r for both male n female. haha, they were hoping to "meet" girls in there, fortunately they didn't.xD
Before that we needed shower and toothpaste as we can't bring any on the plane so we walked all over town n finally found a shop, thank god!xD
when we finished preparing to sleep, it was damn late so we slept like pigs tat night.xDDD
A goodnight sleep as a gud ending for the first day~~>v<
(= ~~picture of the day, beautiful view from the plane~~ =)
Day TWO:
I woke up at SIX in the morning, so early i was day dreaming for almost a whole two hours, LOL.
So the first stop was--->Holyrood Park.
They said it is a park but seriously it's like a mountain. We climbed for a whole morning and was totally exhausted but when we saw the view from above, we forgot everything about our aching legs as it was magnificent.
Arthur's Seat which was said to be a place King Arthur used to go was actually just a pillar but still it was worth it^^
The best part was going down, we actually slide down the steep slope n it was kinda fun, hehe.xD
When we were going back to have lunch we bought Kilts, booyah~xD for a cheap price thanks to my bargaining skills.xDD
After lunch we went for a tour in the University of Edinburgh.
To be truthful I was quite disappointed, as I thought the Uni would be much better, but still it has quite a good medical course so my choice still hasn't change^^
then we had dinner n because we were damn tired we went to sleep damn early.
It was a fruitful day^^
told ya the view was awesome n breath taking.^v^
A...wasted day?
haha, the tour was boring but at least we can say we saw the beautiful scenery and Loch Ness^^
it is a pity we couldn't see Nessy...haiz haiz...-__________-
but still, it was beautiful.
wat pissed me off was actually the tour guide, he actually threw my french fries away because I can't bring it on the bus. We haven't even left our departure time.
When we came back to Edinburgh we saw this road performance it was okay okay n kinda freakish, n it felt good when I gave the man a pound. He was like hugging me when I saw his eyes. Good luck to whoever you are.v^.^v
A rainy start for the day, so we went to somewhere with shade---->The National Museum of Scotland.
It is HUGE. The size is like way bigger than London's. We didn't even finished the whole museum n it was FREEEEEEEE~~~~(damn I love that word.xD)
Later we went to Calton Hill to see some monument, nothing special.
After taking some pictures and group photos, it is souvenir shopping time.xD
Man the royal mile sure have some nice place to shop.^^
Shirts for my family, pendants for friends. Even a fridge magnet for my house parents^^
I really hope they love it.>v<
And then we went home.
The funniest thing is, I kinda missed Northampton when I was in Edinburgh.
This place is starting to grow in me.(^v^)
That is the end for my trip to Edinburgh.
I'm glad I went for I seriously enjoyed, even when is boring, we had fun.
Thanks to all of u, it wouldn't succeed without u all.
Now, it is time to rejuvenate.
gotta go, all the best and may god be with ya.
Juinn over n out.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
the FIRST summer ball n the BEST of all~~woowoo~~XD
well today, i wore contact lenses n my friends reaction when they first saw me,"who the hell r u?fuck off!"...xD
my hair was also kinda cool with its wavy longish style...
n i must say, the coat was fantastic, a round of applause for the buyer, MY MUM~~xP
i'll try n see if i can put up some pics my friends took(i was busy taking pics, i forgot to take my own.../.\)
when we first went in, lucky we were early, professional photographer with skills taking pics for some buds from portugal n vietnam, n a pic for the whole AS damn hot guys~~xD
the funniest part was when my friend mistook me of groping his ass, damn~~xD
then we greet the teachers who also took pics as a reminder of such 'great' students we are...xD
and finally...the ballroom~~xD
wooooooow!!!still cant describe the awesomeness
a DJ with nice beats~~a laser light n an awesome dance floor to jump off ur feat~XD
at first i was kinda...u know...shy...xD
but after some...erhem...shots n sips of rock is in the house tonite~~~~XDDD
damn we were like jumping n screaming the lyrics of watever song it was...
suits n ties flying everywhere...>v<
best part was when Miss Kim, a dorm manager, went dancing with us n i must say, old age hasn't taken away her feet~~^.^
the whole dance floor was dominated not by the older students but..the ASJ students...which is my group...damn they were dancing n eating girls tofu like...DAMN!xD
well of course i just join in the crowd n go crazy...
it was...unforgettable...awesome...experience...
n thank god the weather was cool n windy for when we were finished, we were SWEATING like we never sweat before...
believe it, we danced from 8:30PM to 11:30PM...hehe...xD
well after that, i just have to get home n my friends who are 18 and above continue their craziness in a club, man they sure r one crazy group of ppl...xDD
they were right, it was a night i will never ever forget
thank you BOSWORTH
tis year might not be easy, but it was better cause im with the BOSWORTH FAMILY~~xD
hell yeah tis place is awesome~~xD
to all ppl,
never try never know
once tried everytime will know
tis quote is wat i learned tonight
enjoy life n be silly sometimes
life will be more...COLOURFUL~~~xD
JUINN over n out(damn tis headache is killing me)
the FIRST summer ball n the BEST of all~~woowoo~~XD
well today, i wore contact lenses n my friends reaction when they first saw me,"who the hell r u?fuck off!"...xD
my hair was also kinda cool with its wavy longish style...
n i must say, the coat was fantastic, a round of applause for the buyer, MY MUM~~xP
i'll try n see if i can put up some pics my friends took(i was busy taking pics, i forgot to take my own.../.\)
when we first went in, lucky we were early, professional photographer with skills taking pics for some buds from portugal n vietnam, n a pic for the whole AS damn hot guys~~xD
the funniest part was when my friend mistook me of groping his ass, damn~~xD
then we greet the teachers who also took pics as a reminder of such 'great' students we are...xD
and finally...the ballroom~~xD
wooooooow!!!still cant describe the awesomeness
a DJ with nice beats~~a laser light n an awesome dance floor to jump off ur feat~XD
at first i was kinda...u know...shy...xD
but after some...erhem...shots n sips of rock is in the house tonite~~~~XDDD
damn we were like jumping n screaming the lyrics of watever song it was...
suits n ties flying everywhere...>v<
best part was when Miss Kim, a dorm manager, went dancing with us n i must say, old age hasn't taken away her feet~~^.^
the whole dance floor was dominated not by the older students but..the ASJ students...which is my group...damn they were dancing n eating girls tofu like...DAMN!xD
well of course i just join in the crowd n go crazy...
it was...unforgettable...awesome...experience...
n thank god the weather was cool n windy for when we were finished, we were SWEATING like we never sweat before...
believe it, we danced from 8:30PM to 11:30PM...hehe...xD
well after that, i just have to get home n my friends who are 18 and above continue their craziness in a club, man they sure r one crazy group of ppl...xDD
they were right, it was a night i will never ever forget
thank you BOSWORTH
tis year might not be easy, but it was better cause im with the BOSWORTH FAMILY~~xD
hell yeah tis place is awesome~~xD
to all ppl,
never try never know
once tried everytime will know
tis quote is wat i learned tonight
enjoy life n be silly sometimes
life will be more...COLOURFUL~~~xD
JUINN over n out(damn tis headache is killing me)
Saturday, May 26, 2012
I'm melting......T.T
yes, im seriously melting...
oh god wat a day.
First like to start by saying Im FREEEEEEEE~~~~xD
oh yeah!!!!
n about a month later, malaysia here i come...^^
told ya i miss home~`XD
so today is a VERYYYYYYYYYYY hot day...sunny with no damn clouds...
and today is also the garden fair tat i volunteered to do charity...boooyah
and..i got sunburn...lucky me...T.T
i was prepared for it since we were standing under the sun the WHOLE day...
it was fun too
i got my host parents a lily plant(i think)
n im growing some flowers outside my window..hope it survives under my care...^^
we were selling plats, moving plants, digging holes to put in plants, watering plants, throwing plants(joking)..ahaha..xDD
it was truly a wonderful day...we took pics when we're chilling so no pics of us working our ass out.../_____\
but who cares, me had fun n me gusta~~XD
so now tat the charity work is done...time to focus on planning THE TRIP to scotland...^^
im so so excited...n of course the mini term which of course im not tat excited...haha...xD
n man im so hot...>.<...i might be a vampire...O.O
nah...impossible..i think...xD
so...tonight there is a eurostar show or something like tat n my host parents warned me they r going to go prepared myself...finger crossed tat i survive...xD
so juinn living his life his way...happily n enjoying...learning n sulking(as usual)xD
gud luck to ppl out there and god bless u...may the force be with u...^_^
oh god wat a day.
First like to start by saying Im FREEEEEEEE~~~~xD
oh yeah!!!!
n about a month later, malaysia here i come...^^
told ya i miss home~`XD
so today is a VERYYYYYYYYYYY hot day...sunny with no damn clouds...
and today is also the garden fair tat i volunteered to do charity...boooyah
and..i got sunburn...lucky me...T.T
i was prepared for it since we were standing under the sun the WHOLE day...
it was fun too
i got my host parents a lily plant(i think)
n im growing some flowers outside my window..hope it survives under my care...^^
we were selling plats, moving plants, digging holes to put in plants, watering plants, throwing plants(joking)..ahaha..xDD
it was truly a wonderful day...we took pics when we're chilling so no pics of us working our ass out.../_____\
but who cares, me had fun n me gusta~~XD
so now tat the charity work is done...time to focus on planning THE TRIP to scotland...^^
im so so excited...n of course the mini term which of course im not tat excited...haha...xD
n man im so hot...>.<...i might be a vampire...O.O
nah...impossible..i think...xD
so...tonight there is a eurostar show or something like tat n my host parents warned me they r going to go prepared myself...finger crossed tat i survive...xD
so juinn living his life his way...happily n enjoying...learning n sulking(as usual)xD
gud luck to ppl out there and god bless u...may the force be with u...^_^
Monday, May 21, 2012
Conclusion for today...BIO KILLS
the title shows everything
so u can guess wat happened to me rite...
it just didn't seem right..all the words n question were out of chart.
i was suffering inside...
okay im over doing it...
but kinda worried i might get a B...
lets hope its an A...for my future...pls lucky rose...>.< worst of all...i almost actually fainted (no kidding) i was doing my paper till halfway n almost tried to self suicide and i look up to see the clock just three meters away from my eyes and i couldn't see the time not tat i dont know, it's that i cannot... and worst follows the worst. I panicked. yay...the rest of the paper was bullshit... totally bullshitty piece of shit...fuck u bio...
i was like a dead body, the living dead when i came out n the headmistress almost screamed when she saw me...haha...(i said almost)
and yeah...pray for me please...jsut three more days n im free...n i can do gardening.
lemme survive the wrath of the stupid exams...
n i promise...i'll do my best in the future...maybe even better than now...just dont let me die kay?
for tis time...bless me.../.\
so u can guess wat happened to me rite...
it just didn't seem right..all the words n question were out of chart.
i was suffering inside...
okay im over doing it...
but kinda worried i might get a B...
lets hope its an A...for my future...pls lucky rose...>.< worst of all...i almost actually fainted (no kidding) i was doing my paper till halfway n almost tried to self suicide and i look up to see the clock just three meters away from my eyes and i couldn't see the time not tat i dont know, it's that i cannot... and worst follows the worst. I panicked. yay...the rest of the paper was bullshit... totally bullshitty piece of shit...
i was like a dead body, the living dead when i came out n the headmistress almost screamed when she saw me...haha...(i said almost)
and yeah...pray for me please...jsut three more days n im free...n i can do gardening.
lemme survive the wrath of the stupid exams...
n i promise...i'll do my best in the future...maybe even better than now...just dont let me die kay?
for tis time...bless me.../.\
Friday, May 18, 2012
This happens when u think too much after having an exam...n u need to blog
Well...half way through my exam n im thinking too much again.
Damn tis bad habit of mine can never change.
Cause when i think too much, I go into 'emo' state.
and i'll start to feel depressed.
What was i gonna say?
Oh yeah.
I'm gonna go straight to the icky part so here goes.
I miss home.
Done. Tats what makes me so...icky.
Shit i hate missing things ppl n home.
you'll suddenly think, can i go home or shit why does UK have to be so far.
you might think i'm happy but nopey nope nope.
I'm feel damn shitty.
Worst is when ur parents care of u so much they message u everyday
n when u see their messages, first u'll feel icky, then u reply as manners, then ur heart aches, and ur eyes start to fill up with water. Next day ur friends ask 'why ur eyes look so red? watched porn'
hahahahahahahahha...LOL...damn tats just so...akward.
As i said, me no gud with tis.
My exams, truth is, I never revise for my exams. never since i was born (true story).
I just go into 'thinking mode'.
Then i just start feeling bad.
the worst is when a childhood friend of urs skype u
n u didnt want to do it be4 but u just called.
N when u just wanna cry cause he suddenly say
'Juinn, man i miss the days when u poke my tummy n i call u names'
I almost cried. i suck with such things n i thought i was awesome...haha
thinking of it...those were the days.
nothing to worry, just live a day by a day following the flow.
okay. although im reluctant to say, but still they wont know, so...
I miss my bros..the fatty gor, ah liang, n tat watermelon.
Irreplaceable. looking forward to August when we all go for holidays together, n fight n cry n laugh again, together.
wondering, when was the last time we were together? two years ago. so short yet so long.
(people seeing tis, never tell them, thx)
eyes blurring
hold on to what u have now, or u'll cry like damn shit like me in the future.
if u have a brother or sister, just take one night n look at the stars with them, might be fun...=)
Damn tis bad habit of mine can never change.
Cause when i think too much, I go into 'emo' state.
and i'll start to feel depressed.
What was i gonna say?
Oh yeah.
I'm gonna go straight to the icky part so here goes.
I miss home.
Done. Tats what makes me so...icky.
Shit i hate missing things ppl n home.
you'll suddenly think, can i go home or shit why does UK have to be so far.
you might think i'm happy but nopey nope nope.
I'm feel damn shitty.
Worst is when ur parents care of u so much they message u everyday
n when u see their messages, first u'll feel icky, then u reply as manners, then ur heart aches, and ur eyes start to fill up with water. Next day ur friends ask 'why ur eyes look so red? watched porn'
hahahahahahahahha...LOL...damn tats just so...akward.
As i said, me no gud with tis.
My exams, truth is, I never revise for my exams. never since i was born (true story).
I just go into 'thinking mode'.
Then i just start feeling bad.
the worst is when a childhood friend of urs skype u
n u didnt want to do it be4 but u just called.
N when u just wanna cry cause he suddenly say
'Juinn, man i miss the days when u poke my tummy n i call u names'
I almost cried. i suck with such things n i thought i was awesome...haha
thinking of it...those were the days.
nothing to worry, just live a day by a day following the flow.
okay. although im reluctant to say, but still they wont know, so...
I miss my bros..the fatty gor, ah liang, n tat watermelon.
Irreplaceable. looking forward to August when we all go for holidays together, n fight n cry n laugh again, together.
wondering, when was the last time we were together? two years ago. so short yet so long.
(people seeing tis, never tell them, thx)
eyes blurring
hold on to what u have now, or u'll cry like damn shit like me in the future.
if u have a brother or sister, just take one night n look at the stars with them, might be fun...=)
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Writing something be4 the next two important weeks in my god damn life~~
Time passes like so fast, damn fast.
Already five months.
And tomorrow is the day, the day (I hope) I make history.
For no reason, I feel confident.
Might be because thanks to my fatty louis, I feel so confident, I just feel like sleeping rite now.
I wanna fly.
That's all.
So if anyone see this, pray for me.
That's all I'll ask from you.
I'm not falling.
I'm never gonna fall.
Cause I hate it.
Even if my wings are broken.
I will keep flying.
Even when I am not fully prepare.
I will still fly.
Cause I want to FLY.
Seems so near, what I used to thought would be so far from me.
It used to be like thousands and thousands of miles away.
Now. Just take a train and I can be anywhere.
So I'm not letting go. Oh no.
I'm gonna grab hold of it until my hands burn of pain and I cry like a baby.
God bless me and all the souls ready to withstand what our ancestors found for us. Tons and tons of knowledge.
One day, I'm gonna learn all of them. Those I hate, and those I love.
Cause to me, learning is paradise.
While studying what I learned is damn shitty
King Prawns Can Often Feel Good Shitty.
(secret code, dont guess if ur no biologist^^)
Good luck and happy hunting~~
Sun, i wanna shine like you^^
Juinn out
Already five months.
And tomorrow is the day, the day (I hope) I make history.
For no reason, I feel confident.
Might be because thanks to my fatty louis, I feel so confident, I just feel like sleeping rite now.
I wanna fly.
That's all.
So if anyone see this, pray for me.
That's all I'll ask from you.
I'm not falling.
I'm never gonna fall.
Cause I hate it.
Even if my wings are broken.
I will keep flying.
Even when I am not fully prepare.
I will still fly.
Cause I want to FLY.
Seems so near, what I used to thought would be so far from me.
It used to be like thousands and thousands of miles away.
Now. Just take a train and I can be anywhere.
So I'm not letting go. Oh no.
I'm gonna grab hold of it until my hands burn of pain and I cry like a baby.
God bless me and all the souls ready to withstand what our ancestors found for us. Tons and tons of knowledge.
One day, I'm gonna learn all of them. Those I hate, and those I love.
Cause to me, learning is paradise.
While studying what I learned is damn shitty
King Prawns Can Often Feel Good Shitty.
(secret code, dont guess if ur no biologist^^)
Good luck and happy hunting~~
Sun, i wanna shine like you^^
Juinn out
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The SUN? or The MOON?
Sun, shining brightly, spreading warmth to all living things in the world.
Moon, shining beautifully, taking space in the sky, yet making it look way more beautiful...or as i usually say...AWESOME...xD
If you were to choose the SUN or the MOON? Which will you choose?
Well, the first thing I do when I thought of this question(which came out of no where), I look up to the sky. Sun shining with such intensity, I wouldn't be surprise if my eyes burn out if I keep looking at it the whole day. Why shine so bright and not let anybody see that beautiful sight?
And now I look up to the sky again, and as usual, I see the sight I love most. It shines of course but with lights so soft it feels so good when you keep looking at it. Now that is what I'm talking about!xD
Beautiful things is meant to be shown to everyone. Shine to capture their eyes but with such softness people can admire your beauty.
Apply this to life and you'll see. If you shine so bright everybody sees you. You may think "oh great I have tons of friends" but too bright, you'll hurt them more.
So be a moon, shine softly to all people you love and care and of course with equal brightness so that all of them can see the same beautiful you, and admire your special light.
Live life and shine with style~~~^.^
Now done with the philosophy and weird thinkings.
Whatever looks cool though.
So today just feels like expressing my inner excitement.
First of all, thanks to my teachers for complimenting me in my testimony and I finally confirmed A CHANCE to work shadow in NGH!!!!XD(it stand for Northampton General Hospital i think or what my friends interpret it as, NO GOOD HOSPITAL(he hates hospital, thats why))
Secondly, 12 days to go, till my exams, should say I'm prepared but not fully, so gotta put more effort! OOSH!>v< Thirdly, is good news after exams. Guess what? I took a friends advice and decided to go for holidays in EUROPE~~~but not Paris which she recommended but --- Portugal with the lovely beaches and 'bitches'..haha..that is kinda rude...ah well..XD Fourthly, can u believe that me LIM HSE JUINN the aweosmeness is doing surprised if you are not surprised. But gardening is fun right^^. Fifthly, I have to admit, I MISS HOME, damn I hate the feeling of waiting for time to pass..ish...>.<
Oh god I stink and I wanna go bath life and stay healthy kay?
Take in more water, glucose and vitamins. Only then will you survive the wrath of the EXAMS!!!ahahha..XD
As I said: Life needs color, this time I'm gonna say: Add color to it YOURSELF^^
only then will you live a life you will never forget~~
Ulala~~Juinn over n out
Gambateh my fellow homo sapiens~~=)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Okay im freaking out...
Why am i freaking out?
Oh god why should i freak out?
Damn stop freaking out...
Okay lemme write out what's freaking me out...
What was it again?
Oh yeah...
I have been panicking cause everything is suddenly in a standstill.
Okay i have to plan when im coming back during summer holidays(oh yeah~~xD)
but I'm still not sure whether to go to Cambridge Uni open days...
maybe i should...maybe i shouldnt...omg...
where should i stay?
how should i go?
these questions are the freaking me out factors...
then there are EXAMS...T.T
then my friends are planning to go to Scotland(not a bad idea)^^
then I wanna apply the OPEN UNI course..
then Im waiting for the internship reply...
evrything is blowing up my mind...
man gotta organise myself...
other than tat...
life is still as gud as always...maybe better^^
so...juinn...freaked out...cold...headache...sleepy...tired...exam freakish...n over n out^^
p.s.Life needs more color...treat exams as another addition to that color^^
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The awesome trip to Singapore during my first Easter break after studying in UK for the first year~~xD
okay the title is way stupd but im just too lazy to change to the trip...
WOW...havent blog since...i cam back...lemme start form there...
yay^^ back^^ is good...when u have somewhere u can go back...n sleep play eat without walking long distances...tat n forever will be ur home^^...remember tat~~XD
so...home...then school...then sleep...n i forgotten my homework n revision...damn it...
so i planned it on the last week...stupid eh...i know...but well...who cares^^
i came GOOD food...(typical malaysian>v<)...sleep on my bed (which is starting to be too short for me to sleep u know tat having ur legs hanging on air is so uncomfortable...go try tat)
then say...miss it like i miss my bed...first day slept in prefects room...then went for a malay played but well i liked it...^^
wanted to see cikgu(my english teacher which i used to play a fool during her class...haha...she missed me n called me a bastard when left without saying bye bye...funny eh^^)...the second time i went back..made...well helped my mum make some pie for her...gud...xD(i mean the pie)...
(okay...this post is starting to mess up but bear with a little...light headed...)
then...the TRIP TO SINGAPORE~~~~xD
well...the first day we went late so we arrived late and ate dinner late and went to the hotel late which gave us the room key so so so late and bath late and slept late and walah...first day...
the dinner was gud head n dimsum n porridge and rice n veg n chinese fud...random eh^^ but GOOD~~~xD
the hotel is nice...very newish n have tis floral smell which my mum cant stand n keeps complaining till i can remeber wat she said..."i hate the smell" "it is new no wonder it smells so disgusting" "omg im having a headache thx to the SMELL"...thx very much...SMELL~~xD
it is kinda grand...called the equarius hotel...quite far from the main buildings so gotta take a shuttle bus or cart there...but very ...foresty feeling...haa^^
the second day...we went to the marintime something something museum...sorry bout my short term memory~xD
it is..nt dad said:"Melaka have the potential to this kind of things....yet they dont do n let the Singapore do it"...n i was like..."thx to the government...we dont even have the POTENTIAL~~~xD"haha
it shows the route zheng he(tat handsome guy which i kinda like who went to the seas during the ming dynasty^^) is spectacular~~xD
we bought...shirts n everything...they even thought u how to play congkak...fold paper frogs(which i used the paper to fold roses n paper planes n threw it all around)...n the funniest thing is...when i was buying a singapore logo mum was like choosing the rite color for me...(who cares)...n the shop lady was saying...他还是选白色比较好...因为他的皮肤很白...啊哈哈哈哈哈....tat seriously caught me by surprise n my mum said i not cool...but well...i like white so...i forgive u...lady.../.\
then...we went for ramen particular reason why we chose ramen...oh yeah there is...cause we got VOUCHERS~~~XD
haha...n then...we see crane dance and is kinda cool...^^ starting to feel like an old lady...bear with me a little bit more^^
oh comes the funny dad went to 7-11 to top up his autopass...then me bro bought a 100 plus...and...the cashier said..."one bottle is 2.70...two bottles is 2.50" so not joking...dont u think this is so so so so were laughing till i almost spit all my 100 plus on my brother...haha...xD
when u go 100 plus in 7-11...^^
okay...then the third day...universal studio..oh yeah~~xD
okay...the rides r fantastic...the foods are expensive...n the entertainment will always be number one to me^^
haha...rollercoaster is the best...the human and cyclon ride was thrilling n almost made me puke on the ppl below...ahha...and then...the 4D shrek movie...i was opening my mouth when the water came splashing out...and dont ask wat i did...okay...i drank it...ewwwwww...rite...ah who cares...
then the transformers 3D will be the unforgetable one..never knew it will be tat awesome n cool...whoever goes to universal studio has to go is like COOOOOOOLLLL~~~XD
then we had good food in Malaysian food is AIR CONDITIONED...and it is kinda nice n tasty^^...the char kuey teow...and hokkien mee..n chicken is kinda high standard...but not better than Melaka's...ahahahhaa...xD
then home we went...and the funniest part is when we went back to the hotel and used the public toilet(we checked out tat morning)...n we were taking off shirts and cleaning our selves and thank god no one came in...aha...xD
tats kinda all...i can think off now...hope u guys r stil rocking in each of ur own life...n like me...enjoy it^^so u ll never regret it^^
peace out...
oh n i finished the book Norwegian Wood...n like wat obama(a nickname for my friend) said it is “色” makes me envy them but makes me pity them as well...wat a world tis world use to be...^^
so...peace really out...n make the stars shine upon u at all times so it will mean it is nite time all the time n i can sleep...haha...bullshitting...well...adios amigos and continue ur awesome lifes^^
Lim Hse Juinn...over n Malaysia^^
WOW...havent blog since...i cam back...lemme start form there...
yay^^ back^^ is good...when u have somewhere u can go back...n sleep play eat without walking long distances...tat n forever will be ur home^^...remember tat~~XD
so...home...then school...then sleep...n i forgotten my homework n revision...damn it...
so i planned it on the last week...stupid eh...i know...but well...who cares^^
i came GOOD food...(typical malaysian>v<)...sleep on my bed (which is starting to be too short for me to sleep u know tat having ur legs hanging on air is so uncomfortable...go try tat)
then say...miss it like i miss my bed...first day slept in prefects room...then went for a malay played but well i liked it...^^
wanted to see cikgu(my english teacher which i used to play a fool during her class...haha...she missed me n called me a bastard when left without saying bye bye...funny eh^^)...the second time i went back..made...well helped my mum make some pie for her...gud...xD(i mean the pie)...
(okay...this post is starting to mess up but bear with a little...light headed...)
then...the TRIP TO SINGAPORE~~~~xD
well...the first day we went late so we arrived late and ate dinner late and went to the hotel late which gave us the room key so so so late and bath late and slept late and walah...first day...
the dinner was gud head n dimsum n porridge and rice n veg n chinese fud...random eh^^ but GOOD~~~xD
the hotel is nice...very newish n have tis floral smell which my mum cant stand n keeps complaining till i can remeber wat she said..."i hate the smell" "it is new no wonder it smells so disgusting" "omg im having a headache thx to the SMELL"...thx very much...SMELL~~xD
it is kinda grand...called the equarius hotel...quite far from the main buildings so gotta take a shuttle bus or cart there...but very ...foresty feeling...haa^^
the second day...we went to the marintime something something museum...sorry bout my short term memory~xD
it is..nt dad said:"Melaka have the potential to this kind of things....yet they dont do n let the Singapore do it"...n i was like..."thx to the government...we dont even have the POTENTIAL~~~xD"haha
it shows the route zheng he(tat handsome guy which i kinda like who went to the seas during the ming dynasty^^) is spectacular~~xD
we bought...shirts n everything...they even thought u how to play congkak...fold paper frogs(which i used the paper to fold roses n paper planes n threw it all around)...n the funniest thing is...when i was buying a singapore logo mum was like choosing the rite color for me...(who cares)...n the shop lady was saying...他还是选白色比较好...因为他的皮肤很白...啊哈哈哈哈哈....tat seriously caught me by surprise n my mum said i not cool...but well...i like white so...i forgive u...lady.../.\
then...we went for ramen particular reason why we chose ramen...oh yeah there is...cause we got VOUCHERS~~~XD
haha...n then...we see crane dance and is kinda cool...^^ starting to feel like an old lady...bear with me a little bit more^^
oh comes the funny dad went to 7-11 to top up his autopass...then me bro bought a 100 plus...and...the cashier said..."one bottle is 2.70...two bottles is 2.50" so not joking...dont u think this is so so so so were laughing till i almost spit all my 100 plus on my brother...haha...xD
when u go 100 plus in 7-11...^^
okay...then the third day...universal studio..oh yeah~~xD
okay...the rides r fantastic...the foods are expensive...n the entertainment will always be number one to me^^
haha...rollercoaster is the best...the human and cyclon ride was thrilling n almost made me puke on the ppl below...ahha...and then...the 4D shrek movie...i was opening my mouth when the water came splashing out...and dont ask wat i did...okay...i drank it...ewwwwww...rite...ah who cares...
then the transformers 3D will be the unforgetable one..never knew it will be tat awesome n cool...whoever goes to universal studio has to go is like COOOOOOOLLLL~~~XD
then we had good food in Malaysian food is AIR CONDITIONED...and it is kinda nice n tasty^^...the char kuey teow...and hokkien mee..n chicken is kinda high standard...but not better than Melaka's...ahahahhaa...xD
then home we went...and the funniest part is when we went back to the hotel and used the public toilet(we checked out tat morning)...n we were taking off shirts and cleaning our selves and thank god no one came in...aha...xD
tats kinda all...i can think off now...hope u guys r stil rocking in each of ur own life...n like me...enjoy it^^so u ll never regret it^^
peace out...
oh n i finished the book Norwegian Wood...n like wat obama(a nickname for my friend) said it is “色” makes me envy them but makes me pity them as well...wat a world tis world use to be...^^
so...peace really out...n make the stars shine upon u at all times so it will mean it is nite time all the time n i can sleep...haha...bullshitting...well...adios amigos and continue ur awesome lifes^^
Lim Hse Juinn...over n Malaysia^^
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sorry seems to be the best word to say~~
I am sorry...
sorry for anything i did...that made any of u suffer...pained...lonely...sad...angry...annoying..tired...awful...
I never intended to hurt anybody...
Although from your view i did nothing...
but actually..i did...
if i never did that...u wouldn't be worried now...won't be writing those sad words...
if i was there...hings could be different..better...
everybody could be satisfied...happy...
As i always is never can life be easy...
Making right choices doesnt mean it can make ur life just makes ur life...better in another way...
I know how u feel...u one to feel one with ONE with everyone...
that would be awesome if it would have happened...
but well...making lots into never easy...if i would say...i would define it as impossible...
but nothing is impossible...just make a miracle...
I BELIEVE...i truly believe with all my heart and soul...u all can do it...
n u r never alone...i will always be with u...forever n ever...till the day u gain eternal peace and happiness...
then i would let go as i have gain satisfaction...
Please believe me...
that is all I ask more than that...
N I NEVER break a promise... although sometimes there are some unknown reason that make me lose ur trust...but I hope...i can earn ur trust again...
Live WELL...Live HAPPY...Live LIFE...
Juinn...the one and only forever with u^^
sorry for anything i did...that made any of u suffer...pained...lonely...sad...angry...annoying..tired...awful...
I never intended to hurt anybody...
Although from your view i did nothing...
but actually..i did...
if i never did that...u wouldn't be worried now...won't be writing those sad words...
if i was there...hings could be different..better...
everybody could be satisfied...happy...
As i always is never can life be easy...
Making right choices doesnt mean it can make ur life just makes ur life...better in another way...
I know how u feel...u one to feel one with ONE with everyone...
that would be awesome if it would have happened...
but well...making lots into never easy...if i would say...i would define it as impossible...
but nothing is impossible...just make a miracle...
I BELIEVE...i truly believe with all my heart and soul...u all can do it...
n u r never alone...i will always be with u...forever n ever...till the day u gain eternal peace and happiness...
then i would let go as i have gain satisfaction...
Please believe me...
that is all I ask more than that...
N I NEVER break a promise... although sometimes there are some unknown reason that make me lose ur trust...but I hope...i can earn ur trust again...
Live WELL...Live HAPPY...Live LIFE...
Juinn...the one and only forever with u^^
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Something I never knew...
Time sure pass fast...光阴似“飞弹”...LOL...true but still...LOL...xD
wow...three months here n im starting to feel something...
something i never thought i would feel...
a feeling tat once come can change ur whole day into boringness...
wat kind of feeling is tat...i dont really know...
Just going home...
ya...i miss real home...>.<
The title is kinda wrong i guess...i knew i will feel sad...missing everything...i just didnt want to accept it...
haha...the typical dont-like-then-deny-kind-of-Juinn style...haha...
i didnt want to accept it...i guess...i tat feeling...makes ur heart...pain...
pure pain from the bottom of ur heart...out of ur memory...ish...i feel disgusted...
haha...gud question...who knows...
oh god i miss the food back in Malaysia...
its not tat the food here sucks(sorry if i offended anybody)
but i love MAlaysian food more...ooh the spices...argh the fragance...
well...let me cross my fingers and wish tat i can go home during Easter...阿弥陀佛...-.-
What the heck...tats a fact...i cant go back during forget it...Summer...
long long long time to go...ish...ish...ISH.../.\
N suddenly...i feel so PROUD...of my fat little piggy-look n (erhemmm) a little bitty tinsy winsy cute brother<-------the fat one...
It is not tat he became thin or anything..just tat...he has grown up...ya...he has...
Im so god damn happy...u know why?
He started to STUDY...finally...oh god how many times i tried to force him to study...
Those efforts paid off eh^^
HEHE~~~xD...n i just wish...he can be the best...go to the best education...find the best the best food...have the best life...even if i have to throw the title of being the best brother..ya...i sincerely hope so...^^...
Gambateh fatty^^...i ll always be behind u holding a pencil...dare to stop walking...i ll poke u till u look like Spong-Bob Squarepants...haha(im not joking)...:P
And my other brother....FINALLY taking ur first step eh...gud for u...but still slower than me...xP
One day...i will be better than be prepared...hahaha...xD
and dont do stupid things...u know wat i mean...=.=
Oh n...big bro...tidy ur room pls...mum has been complaining tat second bro complained tat ur room STINKS...u should know he is a little tidy-freak...LOL...xD
And me..i started to be serious...time to be absolutely freakish kind of serious kay?
I believe and know u can...^^(of course u r me n i am u...duh)
And...well...everybody has changed...havent they? is colourless without a little change...
Change the weather...the time....the expression...the replies...the movement...the smiles...the happiness...^^
Change from bad to gud...gud to to awesome...^_^
Oh well..gotta finish tis pile of BIO...ergh....
everybody....wish u all the best eh^^
May u be blessed everyday everywhere anytime...^^
Open ur hearts n fly high...gracias amigos y amigas...gambateh yor^^
wow...three months here n im starting to feel something...
something i never thought i would feel...
a feeling tat once come can change ur whole day into boringness...
wat kind of feeling is tat...i dont really know...
Just going home...
ya...i miss real home...>.<
The title is kinda wrong i guess...i knew i will feel sad...missing everything...i just didnt want to accept it...
haha...the typical dont-like-then-deny-kind-of-Juinn style...haha...
i didnt want to accept it...i guess...i tat feeling...makes ur heart...pain...
pure pain from the bottom of ur heart...out of ur memory...ish...i feel disgusted...
haha...gud question...who knows...
oh god i miss the food back in Malaysia...
its not tat the food here sucks(sorry if i offended anybody)
but i love MAlaysian food more...ooh the spices...argh the fragance...
well...let me cross my fingers and wish tat i can go home during Easter...阿弥陀佛...-.-
What the heck...tats a fact...i cant go back during forget it...Summer...
long long long time to go...ish...ish...ISH.../.\
N suddenly...i feel so PROUD...of my fat little piggy-look n (erhemmm) a little bitty tinsy winsy cute brother<-------the fat one...
It is not tat he became thin or anything..just tat...he has grown up...ya...he has...
Im so god damn happy...u know why?
He started to STUDY...finally...oh god how many times i tried to force him to study...
Those efforts paid off eh^^
HEHE~~~xD...n i just wish...he can be the best...go to the best education...find the best the best food...have the best life...even if i have to throw the title of being the best brother..ya...i sincerely hope so...^^...
Gambateh fatty^^...i ll always be behind u holding a pencil...dare to stop walking...i ll poke u till u look like Spong-Bob Squarepants...haha(im not joking)...:P
And my other brother....FINALLY taking ur first step eh...gud for u...but still slower than me...xP
One day...i will be better than be prepared...hahaha...xD
and dont do stupid things...u know wat i mean...=.=
Oh n...big bro...tidy ur room pls...mum has been complaining tat second bro complained tat ur room STINKS...u should know he is a little tidy-freak...LOL...xD
And me..i started to be serious...time to be absolutely freakish kind of serious kay?
I believe and know u can...^^(of course u r me n i am u...duh)
And...well...everybody has changed...havent they? is colourless without a little change...
Change the weather...the time....the expression...the replies...the movement...the smiles...the happiness...^^
Change from bad to gud...gud to to awesome...^_^
Oh well..gotta finish tis pile of BIO...ergh....
everybody....wish u all the best eh^^
May u be blessed everyday everywhere anytime...^^
Open ur hearts n fly high...gracias amigos y amigas...gambateh yor^^
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
My Birthday~^.L
gotta happy^^...happier than i would ever expected...xD
Well the day started awesome...when my gay partner(joking~~xD) decided to wake me from my sweet dreams and call to wish me...Happy Birthday~~^.^
Touched...TvT...never knew I could have such a sweet dream come true^^
A gud start^^for the special day
Then...well...just gotta say...who cares of u inconsiderate bastards...go kick ur own ass..
now i know why i hate being with u guys...inconsiderate...ungrateful...selfish bastards^^
who needs u guys^^
n thanks a lot for the the shirt^^
think im gonna wear it tomorrow...haha^^
thats wat i call...a friend...
and thx a lot the smarties cake...made my day better^^
sweet chocolaty spongy cake...heavenly taste...haha^^
Well^^...gotta surprised i enjoyed the day...
N lemme say...IM SEVENTEEN~~~~~xD
like one of my friend said...SWEET SEVENTEEN^^
I am seventeen..
I am in UK...
I am studying for my A-levels...
I am one step my future...
And I just gonna tell myself...
no more time to joke d...
u got the chance..u took it...dont waste it...
use it to the best...n show them...those proud idiots...that Juinn....u can so totally kick their ass...
like u just did in Maths...haha^^...the look in their faces were PRICELESSS~~~
Happpppy...Determineeed...and ready to rock n roll...
World...get ready to Surprise u all^^
Reloaded and ready to BANG^^
gotta happy^^...happier than i would ever expected...xD
Well the day started awesome...when my gay partner(joking~~xD) decided to wake me from my sweet dreams and call to wish me...Happy Birthday~~^.^
Touched...TvT...never knew I could have such a sweet dream come true^^
A gud start^^for the special day
Then...well...just gotta say...who cares of u inconsiderate bastards...go kick ur own ass..
now i know why i hate being with u guys...inconsiderate...ungrateful...selfish bastards^^
who needs u guys^^
n thanks a lot for the the shirt^^
think im gonna wear it tomorrow...haha^^
thats wat i call...a friend...
and thx a lot the smarties cake...made my day better^^
sweet chocolaty spongy cake...heavenly taste...haha^^
Well^^...gotta surprised i enjoyed the day...
N lemme say...IM SEVENTEEN~~~~~xD
like one of my friend said...SWEET SEVENTEEN^^
I am seventeen..
I am in UK...
I am studying for my A-levels...
I am one step my future...
And I just gonna tell myself...
no more time to joke d...
u got the chance..u took it...dont waste it...
use it to the best...n show them...those proud idiots...that Juinn....u can so totally kick their ass...
like u just did in Maths...haha^^...the look in their faces were PRICELESSS~~~
Happpppy...Determineeed...and ready to rock n roll...
World...get ready to Surprise u all^^
Reloaded and ready to BANG^^
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Long time no see eh~~xD
Just saw my friends blog
so felt like writing one of my own life now...
although its not perfect...but im happy...
im starting to laugh
although my friends say i look like im dying when im tired...
which is always...cause im busy n everything...
I still remember when i first came...i was saying...
the ppl here i all older than me...quite hard to mix with them...
well...i gotta tell myself...BULLSHIT...haha^^
sometimes u just gotta...enjoy^^
why bother tis kind of is to enjoy...not to feel bad or incomplete...
n tats happier...^^
N i just gotta say...i love the snow...its absolutely beautiful...although its kinda slip or something sometimes...haha
my studies...its not the best...not the worst...
but im the constant one...haha
n i feel like im still not putting enough effort...gotta work harder...
i came to pursue my dreams n im not gonna waste it away cause i feel lazy...
i gotta push myself more^^
n i gotta say...i stick to my exercise plan...haha
although i missed some jogging...but i still exercise constantly...push ups n sit ups^^
haha...maybe i ll be muscular when i return to malaysia...xD
i usually dont say this kind of feelings out...but...i ll make an exception
i miss home...miss my
time seriously pass quickly...but i still feel like its going to be a long time till i can go home...haha
so tis is wat it feels to 'miss' something...n it doesnt feel gud at all...
Oh starting to feel...sad again...
N to those ppl in love in the world...Dont forget to live ur life...
even if u care for her/him a lot...u still have to live ur own life^^
N lastly...something i learn in Spanish classes...Me gustas...Me gusta dormir con mis amigas(tis is a joke...haha)
N...Te amo~~xD
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friends...hmmmm...a very wonderful yet headache matter...
and i just learned a lesson...
the best way to treat a just act urself...normal...dont try n be the best or watever...
believe me...u ll regret^^
And had a great time with friends...^^
and i just learned a lesson...
the best way to treat a just act urself...normal...dont try n be the best or watever...
believe me...u ll regret^^
And had a great time with friends...^^
Monday, January 23, 2012
My Exercising Plan~~~xD
well...i havent been exercising for a long time so...a new plan...
everyday pumping 50 times...then every week add 10 times...
everyday sit up 50 times...every week also add 10 times...
every Sunday morning jogging in the park near my house...two rounds...
every Friday n Saturday basketball with the pros...although im so bad in least im exercising...xD
tats my plan...
anybody got comments...haha..xD
everyday pumping 50 times...then every week add 10 times...
everyday sit up 50 times...every week also add 10 times...
every Sunday morning jogging in the park near my house...two rounds...
every Friday n Saturday basketball with the pros...although im so bad in least im exercising...xD
tats my plan...
anybody got comments...haha..xD
Sunday, January 22, 2012
first of all...Happy Chinese New Year~~~~xD
i love tis time of the favourite day...
n tis going to talk bout a new n totally different kind of day...
but tat can wait for tomorrow...i have to finish my work...TT
i love tis time of the favourite day...
n tis going to talk bout a new n totally different kind of day...
but tat can wait for tomorrow...i have to finish my work...TT
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Jogging in a FREEZER~~~
Yes...its like being in a freezer and yes...its tat cold...
and yes...i jogged...dont feel surprised...cause im surprised too...haha...xD
Well waking up was like an impossible mission and yet...I DID it...haha
i feel so so so...good...
havent felt like tis for a long time...
even when we were dumped by some ppl who couldnt wake up...haha
and the funniest part was my friend Hup Eu(cool name eh)...who was waiting in front of St Georges and i was like didnt notice and kept running and after a round around the racecourse(HUGE park) i then noticed him...haha...xD
Then i ran another round which made me(this guy with bad stamina) too feel so so sick..headache and everything...but still another round i did(it was actually half only...xD)...
then cereals for was nice...haha...exercising really makes u hungry...
And they started taking bout songs...but really metal rocks arent my type but watever...i ll try...^.^
Finally home and im thinking which homework im supposed to start with and i just got stuck here typing tis blog...damn me...haha...xD
Well gotta go be a good boy eh^^
Lim Hse Juinn sweaty-tired-and-going-to-do-homework->.<
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Four Days Of Normal Studying Life~~
Well....finally...i started school...which is a total relief to me...cause i was so DAMN BORED!!!!xD
i am bored now too...although have thousands of work to do...but not due till next week so...haha..xD
Oh n i added another subject my timetable is like HELL...but life is more...full ^^
N im bored d...n tired so..bye^^
i am bored now too...although have thousands of work to do...but not due till next week so...haha..xD
Oh n i added another subject my timetable is like HELL...but life is more...full ^^
N im bored d...n tired so..bye^^
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The time of my life~~^.^
Well…hello everybody…wats up…^^
I am finally back to the internet…a total relief man…I just found out
how the internet is so so so important…xD
And luckily there is a line in my homestay…if not I would have died of
the no-internet-can’t-live without disease…haha
I am very proud to tell u guys…my life has changed and in a very good
Well…at first I was kinda nervous…and felt kinda left out…I was so god
damn lonely…believe me…I was very very that kind…haha…
But as time pass…I kinda found out…the guys I’m meeting are kinda…cute
and baby-like…very suitable for me…haha…(yes because I am so like a baby…xD)
Oh and because I just had breakfast…I am just gonna warn u guys…its
cereal and nothing else…
Yes the food here are…horrible…not only breakfast…lunch and dinner is
also full of food which are tasteless…haha…believe me…U WILL STARVE!!!!!xD
But well…at least I am not eating alone eh^^…with friends…anything is
And there is this Portuguese…he speaks Spanish Portuguese French
Italian and most of the European countries language^^
And a Hong Kong dude…which is friendly…and kind…a faithful friend…^^
Then there is a girl from Sarawak..which is omg…so noisy…she just keeps
complaining and shouting…a totally pampered princess…
And the seniors here are very helpful…Shobu from Africa shown us the
whole school compound…Shin who is a Malaysian too played basketball and
volleyball with us during sports induction with two other seniors…one from
Malaysia and another from Japan…and the Japanese totally rocks in playing the
electric guitar…ROCK ON!!!!xD
Talking bout sports…they say I have potential to play basketball…haha…I
was laughing and kicking…man…
But we did have a nice game…and I was the one who scored most of the
I don’t know how but I just became a good player man…and I was worrying
whether I was going to be a geek or something…
But I hate something though…I couldn’t stay with my friends in the
boarding houses…its boring…and sad…haiz…
But at least there is a common room…like now…we are paying
snooker(which cost 20 pence per game) and ping pong…the Hong Kong guy is a ping
pong champion man…he is totally freaking us out…xD
And later there is a bowling game…nice man…xDD
I hope my bowling skills are with me now…haha…xD
(Oh and they just found out I have potential in ping pong too…a totally
funny comment…haha^^)
One day when I know tis guys more…I think I ll write a total report…xD
Oh well…time for me to play…so…adios dudes…:3
Bye bye and take care…
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Just something I thought randomly without a topic^^
Things aren't what they look like...
From the outside it could be so cool n awesome...go god-like and wonderful...
but awhile will find out things that isn't shown...some dark secrets that can change everything...
and I am glad I listened to people's advice and made the right choice...^^
And AIM for the year...
someone said...3A's isn't an aim for LIM HSE JUINN (the great)xD
so i have decided....
maybe it is also because of destiny's arrangement...UK just started a new grading system and added A*(A star) as a new grade...the highest...
so FINE...
MY NEW AIM: 3A* and total commitment to my teachers, friends, and family...not just the old and awesome ones..but those new ones im sure im going to know them in just one day...muahahaha...xD
So...tats all...^^
Simpsons is out and im so going to watch it...thx for reading my blog and ur concern for me^^
Love u all...Juinn^^
From the outside it could be so cool n awesome...go god-like and wonderful...
but awhile will find out things that isn't shown...some dark secrets that can change everything...
and I am glad I listened to people's advice and made the right choice...^^
And AIM for the year...
someone said...3A's isn't an aim for LIM HSE JUINN (the great)xD
so i have decided....
maybe it is also because of destiny's arrangement...UK just started a new grading system and added A*(A star) as a new grade...the highest...
so FINE...
MY NEW AIM: 3A* and total commitment to my teachers, friends, and family...not just the old and awesome ones..but those new ones im sure im going to know them in just one day...muahahaha...xD
So...tats all...^^
Simpsons is out and im so going to watch it...thx for reading my blog and ur concern for me^^
Love u all...Juinn^^
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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