Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Finally I'm starting to self-motivate myself to move on. Seriously, staying in the same place just pissed me off.

So...I took a step.
I'm going to Thailand~~!!
Obviously I'm excited. 1. I'm going alone. 2. It's related to medicine so duh~xD
The cost...hmmm...don't ask, it'll make me want to lie face down on the floor and cry the shit out of myself.
That is why my aim is to make friends why god knows who and rock their world...without entering drunk mode hopefully.
20th of this month...can't wait!!xDDDDD

Then another step.
I, the god of laziness and sleeping, am spending a large amount of my time...to...exercise. LOL~xD
Everyday I jog. I play basketball (alone at home). Does sound a little sad.
Anyway I think I lost weight, or maybe I hope I gained weight by putting on some muscles.
Yes, I dream like all the other guys.
It does make me feel so much...better. I don't feel zombified or liquidified or wake up thinking I'm the puke monster. It is absolutely beneficial~
It's also kinda addictive. A day without jogging, I just feel so restless and my whole body will go cuckoo~

Another small step is spending time with my parents.
Baking with mom. Love baking COOKIES~~xD
A new hobby I hope just as soon as I can differentiate the ingredients.
Shopping with mom. A big change cause I DON'T ADORE shopping of any kind.
It zaps the energy out of me but whatever makes her happy makes me happy. =)
Talking (a lot) with dad. Just to keep him company.
My dad aged a lot this past few months. Must be due to the loss of his brother (my uncle) and the surgery.
But i got to say he looks better, after the surgery. It's like a whole new happy smiling version of him. Nice right~xD

Small steps but I feel that I accomplished quite a lot. I feel way better than before. I feel...motivated. =)
So to all out there who is feeling unmotivated...1. smile 2. make some aims and 3. accomplished them.
Good luck and may the force be with you.

Over and out.


  1. 加油吧!

  2. 马来西亚又可爱,又可恶。哈哈
