Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm melting......T.T

yes, im seriously melting...
oh god wat a day.

First like to start by saying Im FREEEEEEEE~~~~xD
oh yeah!!!!
n about a month later, malaysia here i come...^^
told ya i miss home~`XD

so today is a VERYYYYYYYYYYY hot day...sunny with no damn clouds...
and today is also the garden fair tat i volunteered to do charity...boooyah
and..i got sunburn...lucky me...T.T

i was prepared for it since we were standing under the sun the WHOLE day...
it was fun too
i got my host parents a lily plant(i think)
n im growing some flowers outside my window..hope it survives under my care...^^
we were selling plats, moving plants, digging holes to put in plants, watering plants, throwing plants(joking)..ahaha..xDD
it was truly a wonderful day...we took pics when we're chilling so no pics of us working our ass out.../_____\
but who cares, me had fun n me gusta~~XD

so now tat the charity work is done...time to focus on planning THE TRIP to scotland...^^
im so so excited...n of course the mini term which of course im not tat excited...haha...xD
n man im so hot...>.<...i might be a vampire...O.O
nah...impossible..i think...xD
so...tonight there is a eurostar show or something like tat n my host parents warned me they r going to go prepared myself...finger crossed tat i survive...xD

so juinn living his life his way...happily n enjoying...learning n sulking(as usual)xD
gud luck to ppl out there and god bless u...may the force be with u...^_^


  1. The grass in UK looks healthier. XD...btw, hope u'r nt gonna be as fair as before.. Mua..ha..ha..

  2. MEH u're not even darker haha! just red like angmor! xD

  3. hehe...i can only go from white to red from red to white...muahahaa...xD
    never black for messa...>v<
